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December 2021 Meeting Minutes

The regular monthly meeting of the Mayor and the Board of Commissioners was held on December 14, 2021 at the Stovall Town Hall at 6:00 pm

Mayor Janet C. Parrott present and residing

Board Members Present: Commissioner Dale Hughes, Commissioner Doug Lunsford Jr., Commissioner Carl Roberts, Commissioner Ricky Sneed, Commissioner Mike Williford

Police Chief Present: Craig Williams

Clerk Present: Sandra B. Williford

Guest Present: Honorable Judge John M. Dunlow

Mayor Parrott called the meeting to order

Invocation: Commissioner Ricky Sneed began the meeting with an opening prayer

Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Hughes made 2 corrections to the November minutes. The planned date for the Fun Day is May 14, 2022 rather than May 1. Also, he will research the railroad’s laws on heavy trucks. With those corrections being made, Commissioner Carl Roberts made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner Lunsford seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Police Report: Chief Williams gave an activity report for the police dept. Activity for the month was as follows:

  • 307 miles of patrol

  • 4 reports

  • 2 citations

Water Report: Commissioner Lunsford reported a 12.2% water loss for the month. Flushing for TTHM’s was included.

Swearing in of Officials: Judge John M. Dunlow swore in the newly re-elected Board members Carl Roberts and Doug Lunsford. Newly elected Mayor, Mike Williford, was also sworn in.

Mayor Mike Williford Addresses Board: Mayor Williford stated that he is looking forward to serving as Mayor. He stated that he would add the Pledge of Allegiance to the meeting agendas. Also, he will allow a time at each meeting for public comments. During this time, the public will be given 3 to 4 minutes to address the Board, but the Board does not have to respond. Board members may bring any issues they would like to address to the following Board meeting. He stated he would be following Robert’s Rules of Order for Board meetings. He will add a Budget meeting once a quarter on the 3rd Tuesday of the last month of each quarter. He requested that all agenda items be turned into him or the clerk by 1:00 pm on the Friday before the regular monthly meetings. Items not on the agenda by 1:00 pm on that Friday will not be addressed at the meetings unless they are emergencies or time sensitive matters.

Appointments of Responsibility: Mayor Williford made the following appointments:

Commissioner Sneed: Recreation and Police

Commissioner Roberts: Budget

Commissioner Hughes: Streets, Street Lights, Sidewalks, and Cemetery

Commissioner Lunsford: Water/Sewer

Mayor Pro-Tem Nomination: Commissioner Sneed nominated Commissioner Carl Roberts as Mayor Pro-Tem. Commissioner Lunsford seconded his nomination. The motion and nomination carried unanimously.

Old Business

Covid Funds Update: Mayor Williford reported that the roof on the maintenance building was completed at a cost of $16,500.00.

Fun Day Update: Commissioner Hughes informed the Board that the 2nd Fun Day Planning meeting had been held. He stated they had 9 people in the group, and they have reached out to church congregations. They will be placing fliers around town, all meetings are open to the public, and volunteers are needed. It’s being planned for May 14, 2022. They have reached out to DOT, getting a vendor list, checking into dumpsters and porta potties. He stated minutes of the planning meetings are available by email. All final decisions will be decided and approved by the Board of Commissioners.

Tractor Update: Mayor Williford stated that the tractor purchased should be here by the end of February.

New Business

Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator: Mayor Williford reported that M&M Water and Sewer had requested an increase of $300 per month, from $1500 to $1800, to operate and maintain the waste water treatment plant and provide all testing requirements and reports to the States. Commissioner Hughes made a motion to approach M&M Water and Sewer with a contract with a one year contract in the amount of $1800 per month with a time frame of January 2022 through December 2022. Commissioner Roberts seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Vacant Commissioner Seat: Mayor Williford stated that any action could be taken to fill the vacant commissioner seat up until the next election, or no action could be taken. Commissioner Hughes expressed that he thought the seat should be filled by process of applications. Hughes made a motion to fill the seat. The motion died due to no second.

Public Works Building Improvements: Commissioner Lunsford stated that a sign is needed for the maintenance building and new steps are needed. He stated Dale Cates had quoted him a price of $75 - $100 for a sign. Lunsford made a motion to purchase a sign from Dale Cates and 2 concrete step from F&S. Commissioner Hughes second the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Budget Amendments: The Board reviewed the amended budgets. Commissioner Hughes made a motion to accept and approve the General Fund Budget with an ending balance of $299,687.00. Commissioner Lunsford seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Lunsford made a motion to accept and approve the Water/Sewer amended budget with an ending balance of 294,357.00 including the adjustment of $1800 for the Waste Water Treatment operator increase. Commissioner Sneed seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Town Administrators Meeting Pay: Commissioner Hughes suggested reducing Commissioner Pay to pay the Town Administrator for meetings. No comments.

Executive Session. Commissioner Doug Lunsford made a motion to go into executive session to discuss the Town Administrator’s Meeting Pay. Commissioner Ricky Sneed seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. After some discussion, Commissioner Carl Roberts made a motion to come out of executive session. Commissioner Lunsford seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Administrator’s Meeting Pay/Action Taken: Commissioner Hughes made a motion to pay the Town Administrator $75 dollars per meeting. Motion died due to no second. Commissioner Sneed made a motion to pay the Town Administrator $50 dollars per meeting. Commissioner Lunsford seconded the motion. The motion carried with 3 votes yes and Hughes voting against

Adjournment: There being no further business, Commissioners Hughes made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Lunsford seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Mayor Mike Williford


Clerk Sandra B. Williford


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